Saturday, August 10, 2013


Brad and I went exploring today at the famous Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield. It is a (supposedly) haunted prison that is gorgeous on the outside and superfantasticcreepy on the inside. It was opened in 1896 and officially closed in 1990. Many a famous movie has been filmed there (most notable is the Shawshank Redemption). It was supposedly designed to be so pretty to inspire the inmates to turn away from their sins and to aspire to something higher.

And here it is.

It was pretty enough that there was a wedding going on during our tour... hence the limo.


And the insides.  
Ghost Hunters were here! (LOVE me some Ghost Hunters.)

In front of an old fireplace.
The floor in the warden's wing.

Shawshank Redemption trivia: this scene is supposedly in a hotel but was actually filmed in the prison.
The chapel. Skeletor. Mysterious cross made of light on the floor.
Now on to the cell blocks!

Success! We finished off our tour at the Der Dutchman (which I usually love but the location we went to made me frown).

Brad is serious about his Amish food. I was smiling because I hadn't eaten mine yet. Our tour wrist bands.


Addie Joyce said...

I have a reaction! SO COOL!!! I need to do this. You've inspired me to make an Ohio bucket list. Der Dutchman is already on there so thanks for the heads-up to not go to this location.

Kelli said...

ooh i like his new shirt...!!

and seriously...?? prettiest prison! i'd be inspired to turn away from my life of sin. haha.
and how many people can say they were married in prison??

that's way cool. i'd love to visit there! or maybe just your pictures will be enough.

you guys are the cutest. I miss you so much!!! love you!