Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ohio State Fair

A few Saturday's ago we (read: Jess) were bound and determined to finally make it to the Ohio State Fair. Now that we only have a year left in Ohio (most likely) we are trying to do as much on our Ohio bucket list as possible. That means we go to the fair, rain or shine... and in this case it was definitely raining. But we still had tons of fun and the rain made for less crowds and for a cooler (read: less scorching hot) experience.

At the fair! In the rain! Waiting for the pigs to race! ...!

First things first, we went and saw the pigs race. Worth it. It was hilarious and adorable all rolled in to four enormously fat pigs.

After the pigs we went and hung out with some chickens. Who knew they could be so interesting (obviously I have an extensive history with live chickens)?!
Brad totally won this staring contest
We also went to the petting zoo but me no touchie anything that poops where it sleeps. BUT, I did stand in front of an old carved tree. Neat.

No fair adventure is complete without fair food, so we partook. But we cheated a little and didn't get anything deep fried or covered in powdered sugar. Instead we got some Der Dutchman Manhattan sandwiches (turkey on homemade bread with a side of mashed potatoes - all covered in gravy). It was pretty tasty despite my aversion to soggy bread.
The Manhattan
We also saw some model trains, farming equipment, giant sand sculptures (not as cool as it sounds), and some other stuff I can't remember. But here is one last picture of my cute Brad. I like him.


Kelli said...

hahahahaha holy CRAP those pigs are huuge! and i do believe that would be hilarious. so much fat cuteness.

i also think you guys look adorable. and it has been forever since i've seen you, and I MISS YOU! in case you missed that memo from my last comment.

also if der dutchman offered ham in their fair meal i think i would be all over that! even with my aversion to gravy. hopefully this meal was more delicious than the one on-site later.

Tricia Jeanne said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe I went to the Ohio State Fair and didn't watch pigs race. My life may as well be empty now, that looks like pretty much the best thing in the entire world...