Last Tuesday was Tilda Removal Day. We showed up at the surgery center around 11:30, filled out some paperwork, I got a plastic bracelet, peed in a cup and then changed into a lovely gown and sock combo. After that I got to hang out on a sweet bed while Brad sat in the waiting room. When my doctor (who is awesome bytheway) showed up around 12:30 things got started. I got my super (crazy) painful IV (normally I am not a needle wimp but the nurse choose THE stupidest place on my body to place a giant needle), got to say goodbye to Brad, and got wheeled into the operating room. Someone hooked up some sweet meds to my IV and I was out like 2 seconds later.
Waiting for surgery with my thermometer sticker |
Hours later I woke up (with my glasses on my face - I thought that was a nice touch by the thoughtful nurses) groggy as can be but I couldn't feel a dang thing, which is good. Brad comes in and they get me to sit up and then they try to make me pee but everything is too numb for that sort of business. I get dressed and after what feels like 15 minutes, but Brad told me it was actually over an hour, we get up to leave.
Did and done.
Tilda turned out to be a super large endometrioma (an ovarian cyst filled with old blood and some endometrial tissue) that had been growing for 3-4 years. They were able to successfully remove Tilda and some stray growing endometrial tissue without any problems. They also discovered I have a large subserosal fibroid attached to my uterus, but it isn't dangerous or problematic so they just left it attached so I wouldn't have scar tissue on/in my uterus.
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My insides (sorry for the sad scanned photos... but at least I labeled things). Tilda doesn't look very large in this photo but trust me, she was a biggun. |
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Tilda is GONE! |
Recovery time has included lots of percocets, sprite, hot packs, naps, and Friends episodes. Things are finally starting to feel normal and yesterday I actually left the house for like an hour (I know, I'm wild).
Random things I want to remember later:
- About 5 minutes in to waiting in the waiting room, Brad muted the TV (despite others in the room) so he wouldn't have to listen to crappy daytime TV. I love him.
- I had a thermometer sticker on my forehead and it made me feel awesome.
- The surgery lasted about 2 hours (longer than they expected).
- My doctor has a mustache and an earring and I think he's the bomb.
- They let me keep my sweet slipper socks (mostly because I couldn't bend down to put on my shoes when it was time to go).
I'm glad that all went well with the surgery and that they were able to see what is going on inside. I'm glad that you're feeling better. The pictures are pretty cool and I love your labels.
I can't spot the tilda in the top picture...! But your insides are so beautiful. Frame them next to brads colon. Ha ha ha
So glad it went well!! I enjoyed this recap. Glad you're feeling little better!!
woot woot! you're livin on the edge girl! an hour out and about! That's awesome!!!
need me to pick up anything for you? I'm heading to your neck of the woods tomorrow morning, wednesday morning, and friday morning. So just say the word and I'll drop off grapes, cottage cheese or chocolate at your door!
So cool for you to have a picture of your insides! I think that's awesome. And glad that you will hopefully start feeling better!
Man Jessica! I'm glad it went well. Score on the socks!
Holy cow! I'm glad you are okay!!
I was totally wondering what that thing was on your forehead. :)
hope you are feeling much better. your pics are weird to see inside!!! :)
3-4 YEARS?? How did they not discover Tilda squatting in your innards before now? whoa. Are those pictures actually of YOUR insides? Did you have to ask for the images or is that a standard souvenir? Am I asking too many questions for what should be a comment box?
Really glad you're doing better. :)
Whoa! I am glad you are ok! Surgery is never fun. I'm glad you are feeling better now though.
Boo for reproductive issues. Hopefully this'll take care of you for awhile. I bet the pain was awful, but glad that it's removed. Say hi to Brad. We're thinking of you two.
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