Sunday, October 13, 2013


It's hard to follow up that last blog post... because it was a bit of a downer. I turned off the comments before it was even published because I didn't write the post to get attention. I wrote it to get things off of my chest that had been brewing for weeks. It was cathartic and it may happen again in the future but only time will tell.

ANYWHO... despite hard things life does and will go on.

On Monday I had the day off and Brad decided to take the day off (wahoo for easy rotations) and we made a last minute trip to Cincinnati! Hooray for checking things off of our Ohio bucket list.

On our drive down we stopped at the outlet mall and spent way too much time shopping. Brad bought 7 board games. SEVEN. He might have a problem... but it both made us giggle (plus they were suuuuuuper cheap) so all is well.

Purple People bridge. Whaaat?!
Ohio River

Once we actually got to Cinci it was pretty late in the day but we were able to stop by our friends' place for an early dinner (thank you Tricia and Jon!). We then went to the Purple People bridge on the Ohio river. Apparently it is one of the nation's few pedestrian-only bridges and it connects Ohio to Kentucky. So we walked to Kentucky like the hardcore tourists we are. Once in Kentucky we went to a grilled cheese place called Tom & Chees and got ourselves a donut s'more (a donut cut in half with a smore inside {graham cracker included} - all grilled to perfection). Yessssss.

donut s'more. you jealous?

After we walked back from Kentucky (ha!) we went to Jungle Jim's (a ginormous grocery store with an amazing international foods section) and just went crazy. Seriously, we got so much junk food. But it is from other countries so we're like totally cultured and stuff. Fo' reals.

Brad was not excited to find his least favorite chunky corn drink beloved by the Bolivians
And then it was super late because we probably spent hours at Jungle Jim's so we headed back. BUT the adventure doesn't stop there because.... Brad got a speeding ticket. :/ It was fine though. Fo' reals.

Even with the ticket it was a great day and we had tons on fun in Cinci. Next time we go we'll make sure it isn't on a Monday because pretty much all of the major tourist attractions (read: museums...) are closed on Mondays. Who knew?


Mandy said...

Ooo day trips are the best. That donut smore looks kind of amazing. But not the chunky corn drink. That looks terrible.

Unknown said...

glad you guys had a break together! I've only ever been to Cinci for the airport. Definitely a boring tourist stop. I'd love to check out that awesome international grocery store!

Kelli said...

they both look terrible...! ha!! but i hope it was delicious.
sounds like the best, minus the speeding ticket... so glad you posted about it!

Karen said...

Sounds like a fun day! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your last post. I didn't think you posted it for attention. I'm glad that you were able to write. Writing is good for the soul. I am sorry that your mom passed away. Of course you miss her.

Bradwich said...

The donut smore was fully amazing, not just kind of. And chicha de maiz (the corn drink) is one of the worst things in the world. Seriously, the whole world.