Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thankful List

Hooray for Thanksgiving. I love that we get to reflect on what we are thankful for. Starting the first of this month, I've been writing down each day something that I am thankful for. Here is that list. No need to read it, it is more for me than anyone else. :)

  1. Brad. He really is the best fit for me - I couldn't imagine a better fit. He is patient, slow to anger, forgiving, willing and able to communicate, faithful, handsome, smart, funny, and just all around awesome. I'm glad he's mine and that I get to keep him for-ev-er. 
  2. Our apartment. 1500 square feet is still HUGE to me after 2 1/2 years and after living in 340 square feet our first few years of marriage. I seriously love our home and everything in it. I still feel spoiled with what we've been blessed with.  
  3. Sewing. I'm grateful both that I like to sew and that I'm pretty good at it. I've been sewing for as long as I can remember and I can't imagine my life without it (cheesy I know).
  4. My Mom. She is awesome. She is always there for me when I need her. We've always had a close relationship and I have always been able to talk to her about anything and everything and she never judges me. I seriously couldn't have had a better, cuter, sillier, sweeter, more loving mother than the one I was blessed with. 
  5. Organized and clean spaces and places. They make me so happy. A house of order is a happy house. :)  
  6. Food. I have a complex relationship with food (just ask Brad). Sometimes I hate it and sometimes it hates me (both can probably be blamed on my medication). But when we are on good terms, nothing beats food. Plus, it keeps me alive - which is awesome.  
  7. I can laugh at myself. I'm grateful that I don't always have to take myself so seriously. 
  8. Sisters. My sisters are the greatest. I love all of them oh so very much and I'm glad we are close. As I've always said: "God made us sisters but Mom made us be friends." (inside joke...)
  9. Reading. Books are the shiz (btw, that mormon slang makes me uncomfortable but I don't want to offend... ). 
  10. The internet. How awesome is it that if I have a question, I can get an answer in (basically) an instant?! Plus, I can easily keep in touch with my friends and family that live across the country, I can find a recipe for coconut soup, and figure out the best way to clean my makeup brushes. Awesome. Thank you internet. 
  11. My Dad. He isn't perfect but when I truly needed him, he was there to help me. During the years when I was having my back surgeries, he was my strength. He helped me deal with the pain which is something I will always be grateful for. Those were hard years for me and he helped me better than anyone else could. 
  12. My body. This body of mine has been through a lot and it is still kicking. I am grateful for all that my body has overcome. 
  13. When RS activities that I'm in charge of are OVER! I had one tonight and I am so happy that it was successful and that it is over. (We decorated Christmas stockings to donate to a domestic violence shelter.)
  14. Slowcookers. I don't use mine nearly enough but when I do, life is awesome.  
  15. Dates. I love spending time with my Bradley. He is my favorite. 
  16. Eating out. I love it when I don't have to cook but I still get to eat something yummy. Yay! 
  17. Girl's Night Out - sometimes you just need to hang out with the girls and watch stupid movies your husband would be embarrassed to watch.
  18. The Conference Issue of the Ensign. Enough said. 
  19. That Christ can lighten our burdens. Today a small thing happened that will make a huge difference in my life. 
  20. That Heavenly Father answers prayers. 
  21. Service. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
  22. Friends. We weren't able to spend time with family today but luckily we had our friends. They are our family in Ohio and I am so happy we could spend this wonderful holiday with them.


ldsjaneite said...

Awesome list. So glad you have such great things in your life!

kelli said...

Seriously--awesome list!

I think Brad is pretty great too... so glad you guys have each other! And a big apartment.

And that you're so great at sewing! And have awesome family (me included ;) ha).

love you!

Mandy said...

love it.