Saturday, October 13, 2012


Here are pictures of things that don't necessarily warrant their own blog post but I want to share anyway...

a happy maxi skirt I made
the banners/garlands I made for my SIL's birthday
the creepy Nic Cage I put in the bottom of SIL's birthday package. Yes, I do think I'm funny.

I made bagels for the first time ever
I dyed my hair (it is now darker with no more grays! yay!)


kelli said...

i'm so glad you shared them anyway!

i am continually impressed by your craftiness. i love maxi skirts! great job :)

i am in love with my garlands. best present ever!! and so was the creep nic cage. ba ha ha ha ha.

your bagels look awesome! but before i remembered that you made them and posted about it on fb, i thought they were donuts...and that made me want donuts reaaal bad.

i like the hair color! so pretty :)

love you!!! blog more. :) it makes me so happy. so glad to see you're alive and well :) MISS YOU!!!

Mandy said...

Love the hair color! You're hair is getting so long. So cute. I'm real jealous of your bagels--the look so tasty. Maybe I'll try bagels this week...

Unknown said...

first off, cute skirt!

secondly, you look ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS in that last pic! I ADORE your hair!!!!

Bradwich said...

I agree with Elisa--you do look gorgeous in that last pic.