Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm really good at making lists

What's new?

  •  This made me laugh. Remember the last time he visited my blog? If not, check it out here

  • Also...I had 3 doctor appointments this past week. THREE. For reals. I think that might be a record (for me at least).
  • Contrary to popular belief (meaning mine and Brad's), I do NOT have carpal tunnel. What?! (Yeah... doctor appointments are good for something... like learning you don't have something you thought you did. Yay!?)
  • I got shocked and poked (with needles) this week. I cried. But not like a baby, don't worry.
  • We upgraded from a folding table to a real TV stand. We are officially adults. I'll prolly post pictures later. 
  • Bradley had a birthday. I don't remember what we did... but hopefully it was awesome. 
  • President Uchtdorf is amazing. Seriously. 
  • Last month we had an anniversary! FOUR years suckas! It has been awesome.
  • We are spending two nights in Amish country this week to belatedly celebrate our anniversary. So excited. 
  • I hosted book club at my house. I made these cookies. Brad was excited he got to eat the leftovers.
  • I got a new (to me) laptop! And Brad got a new (brand spankin') laptop. I feel rich (kidding). 
  • I really want these boots. Not kidding. I look at them at least 3 times a week just hoping they'll be mine soon. 
  • Brad started his 2nd year of med school (a while ago, but still). He rocks. 
  • I got a part-time job (like a month ago)... that I'm in the process of quitting. Lame much? Hahaha.
I think that's about all that has been going on lately.


Rachel said...

yayyyyyyyy. I love when you blog. sorry about those dr apps!

Nancy and Spencer said...

I love your lists. :) Hope you've figured out what's going on with your wrists.

Great video. That guy makes me want to get up and dance like him!

kelli said...

You got another parttime job whaaat?? And so you don't have carpal tunnel!??
I like this list too. Because I have no idea all these crazy and exciting things that are going on in your lives!! I feel like text updates would be appropriate. :) laptops are awesome! Real TV stands are awesome! YOU. are AWESOME.

kelli said...

You got another parttime job whaaat?? And so you don't have carpal tunnel!??
I like this list too. Because I have no idea all these crazy and exciting things that are going on in your lives!! I feel like text updates would be appropriate. :) laptops are awesome! Real TV stands are awesome! YOU. are AWESOME.

Mandy said...

i feel pretty lame because i didn't even know you had gotten a job...and that you hate this job...SIL fail. so if it isn't carpal tunnel, what is it? hopefully something they can fix soon?

Tricia Jeanne said...

I like this list! To the point. I should do a post like this. So if you don't have carpultunnel then what do you have? Im dying to hear about how all your appointments went. Hope you're doing well!!