Thursday, March 3, 2011

bored at work?

Lately my job has been super boring (read: I have nothing to do at work). Seriously. Yesterday, I did 5 whole evaluations (back when there were files to evaluate I would get between 30-40 done a day). Woo...

So, what to do while at work with no work to be done? You can be like me and read this blog. The whole thing. Yeah. I read it, archives and all. In one day. She's super cute. But then I came home from work feeling frumpy and wanting to go shopping. But it did inspire me to try and look cute today (don't tell me if it didn't work and yes, I know, my hair needs brushed). 

my best attempt of taking a pic of my outfit
You could also gchat with your husband and distract him from his studious endeavors. Why, I did that, too!

Another trick to keep yourself somewhat entertained: drink lots of water. It sure is nice to go for a small walk to go fill up your water bottle once it is empty. And drinking lots of water requires small walks for other related trips (if you know what I mean.... and I think you do).

I've also resorted to writing this blog post, with which I will fill in with a picture or two once I get home from work and happily publish. Oh yeah!

If nothing else works, try reading cooking blogs. That was what I did this morning. The only catch: it makes the salad you brought for lunch sound boring.

But! This having nothing to do at work thing might mean that my job is almost over with (remember how it is a temp/seasonal job?). That might be nice. Sure... I don't have another job lined up yet but it'll be nice to have some time to recover from craptastic carpal tunnel. And then I might be able to sew and craft again! How nice. Just in time for sunshine and nice weather (crossing my fingers).


Unknown said...

thanks for introducing me to this blog! BTW you look fabulous!

Michelle said...

I'm fashionably-challenged, but I love reading her too! And also, you look darling.

kelli said...

BUT, look how beautiful and clean your desk is!
Miss you :)

ldsjaneite said...

Hey--that container for your salad looks like some that I have. Ah...take-out Chinese food....

Bradwich said...

Heidi, I'm really impressed that you recognized the take out container. Well done.