Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Adios Octubre

I didn't mean to go MIA last month. Working full-time and blogging don't really mesh in my world, apparently...

Here's a list (of the things I can remember) of what happened last month:

I painted 2 of our kitchen chairs. I currently don't have any pictures of the finished product but I'm sure I'll get around to taking some sooner or later.

My carpal tunnel came back with a vengeance (probably due to holding down the nozzle of numerous spray paint cans)... so I made Brad shave his own hair.
I started my job.

We went to the Circleville Pumpkin Festival. (Brad blogged about that here.) I tried pumpkin chili and Brad had a pumpkin sloppy joe.

Oh, and we also saw a really huge pumpkin pie.

And had delicious mini pumpkin donuts.

We went to Amish Country with friends.

While there we went to a cheese factory (among other things).

And saw lots of horses and buggies.

On the way home from Amish Country, we stopped at the longest covered bridge in Ohio.

And Brad spit over the edge of the bridge.

 I read Dune. And loved it. So much.

We had 2 weekend shifts of doing laundry at the temple (our stake callings).

Spent time with friends.

Went to a Halloween party at a friends house (no costumes) and sadly missed our ward Halloween party (because of temple laundry)... so no awesome costume pics to share.

Got to try an authentic Japanese dish: Shabu-shabu.It was super delicious.

October, thanks for being mostly awesome. This song is for you...


Anne said...

sounds like a good month to me! Jealous of those pumpkin doughnuts...those sound to die for! :-)

Tricia Jeanne said...

October is the best month of the year. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed Dune! What a great read huh?!
So it looks like we were at exactly the same places at different times this month! Your post was a very pleasant deja vu!

Julie said...

I wanted to see some Amish when I was in Pennsylvania last month, but never saw any. Maybe next time. Those covered bridges are cool. I remember seeing some when Brian and Lee lived in Ohio and I went to visit them. Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

It sounds like a good month to me! I forgive you for going MIA. I think I went MIA for a whole year! Miss you!

Mandy said...

I'm so glad you finally posted. And hello Bradley! I quite enjoy seeing pictures of you two.

ldsjaneite said...

Love Barry. Didn't know he sang an October farewell song, though! That does sound like an awesome month. Sad about no costumes--I enjoy you guys' costumes. And Amish towns are so neat to visit!

Rebecca Olson Bradshaw said...

Love the post. The buggy pic with the bakery behind it should be a poster! Thanks for coming, guys.