Thursday, June 4, 2009


The past few weeks I've been cooking up a storm, all because I found a new (to me), wonderful cooking blog (thanks to cousin Nancy). It's called My Kitchen Cafe. And oh my word. Every recipe I've made so far has been delicious. So, so delicious.

Tonight, we had the baked chicken taquitos, and it was so good. Brad doesn't normally like corn tortillas, but tonight he did. And the bourbon chicken, coconut chicken curry, and naan... all amazing. I can't wait to try her Asian lettuce wraps, chicken tikka masala, and sticky coconut chicken. Are you drooling yet? I am...


Julie said...

It does look yummy! That looks like a good recipe website. Thanks.

ldsjaneite said...

Wow. I'm impressed by just the names. Good job! I'll have to check the blog out.

Meredith said...

I too love this website! Lots of yummy stuff. The baked chicken taquitos are on my list of things to make!

Nancy and Spencer said...

Oh yes, those taquitos were good! I'm so happy you like My Kitchen Cafe as much as I do! All the recipes really are 'tried & true'.
Although, the only one that didn't work out (at least for me) was the Chicken tikka masala. It was too tomato-ey. :( It's a hard one to make right. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Okay this past week I have barely ate and you are making me hungry for these! BTW Brad corn tortillas are the only way to go for everything. AND I bet they were yummy. Your such a good cook!

Rachel said...

dang Jess, I'm starving here at work! Thanks for the inspiration. I know what I'm making this weekend!

Bradwich said...

Sorry, Angelica, but flour is the one true tortilla. :)

And yes, the recipes on the website are amazing. Thanks for the heads-up, Nancy! And great cooking, Jess!

kelli said...

Psh. You're too awesome for me..