Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assistant (to the) Photographer

I'm not much of a photographer, but over the weekend I got to play assistant to my awesome photographer sister at my cousin's wedding. Mostly I just held different lenses, offered moral support, scouted out different shots, fixed my cousin's dress, etc. But I also brought my point and shoot camera along to take some candids every now and then. Pretty much I only got one good shot (like I said, I'm not much of a photographer):
Pretty good for a complete amateur right? At least I thought so... :) To see more awesome shots of the wedding, go here.


*Aliese* said...

Good job! I love wedding pictures; totally looked through your sister's site for a good long time because I honestly can't get enough-even if I don't know the people!

P.S. Your cousin's dress is BEAUTIFUL!

Jeanette said...

LOVE it! For sure can I add that to her cd? I will for sure give all credit to you! Good job, and thank you so much for helping! I don't think I could have made it without you there! Also, I need your address. Email me!

Bradwich said...

Good job, babe. You're a studette.