Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Birthday Weekend Part 1

I love April. Have I mentioned that before? It's wonderful and I've been having a fantastic time so far. Here's why:

On Friday Brad and I were supposed to go to his mission reunion, but he happily (for me) decided he didn't mind missing this one. So instead we started my birthday festivities early and he took me to the Bombay House. Oh my goodness. I am now converted to Indian food - mmmm chicken tikka masala. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the intense smell, that clung to my hair and clothes like there was no tomorrow. But it was so worth it. Mmmm curry.

Following our delicious repast (true story: I had no idea what that word meant when Brad used it after we ate at the Bombay House) we stopped by a friend's French themed party where I got to eat yummy crepes and watch Amelie (a movie I have been wanting to see for quite some time but haven't due to it's rating - lucky me they had an edited version). It was an amazing movie and I now want to own it (edited of course) and watch it over and over again.


*Aliese* said...

Oh, I love Indian food! Curry is fabulous. Congrats on getting to eat some. :)

Rachel said...

Do you know what movie you should watch? It's called "He loves me, he loves me not". It's also a french film with the same actress (and I think it's PG-13, so no editing required). It's a two part movie, and it is INTENSE. Holy cow, I love it. The first part seems a little chick flicky at first, so Brad may roll his eyes at first, but towards the end/the entire second half will have you yelling, "WHAT!!!??" Because that's the catch, it's not really a chick flick. Watch it. And happy birthday girl!!

Maren said...

I agree: April is a good month. I'm glad you had a happy birthday!

Bradwich said...

It was a great weekend--and that's only the first part of it! Happy birtday, love!