Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Defining the Relationship

Two years ago today, Brad and I officially started dating (yes we had a DTR and everything). After 9 months of friendship (and countless "you and Brad should date" and my countless reassurances that we were "just good friends") I finally decided that maybe I did like Brad after all. And what you would know? My friends were right, he really had liked me for months. Lucky me!

The beautiful flowers Brad surprised me with today after work.

(If you've done the math [assuming you know how long Brad and I have been married] you have probably realized we only dated for 6 months prior to our eternal covenant making. . . which is a really long time in BYU dating standard time. So don't judge. . . unless you really want to. I won't hold it against you.)


ldsjaneite said...

Is it OK to feel proud that I was one of those who guessed--really early on?! You two were definitely a couple a was so happy got together. You're both AWESOMENESS pretty much.

*Aliese* said...

I love daisies! He definitely did a good job. And no worries, I have no room to judge...Darrin and I had KNOWN each other for 8 months once we were married. We were engaged for five months. You do the math! :)

Mandy said...

What a cute honey you have. Presh. :)

Cambu said...

You dated for six months? What took so long? My dearest friend from High School met and got engaged to her husband three days after meeting him. Yes, you read that right...three DAYS! You guys were super slow. ;)

K P said...

I love you both and am so grateful things worked out for the two of you!!! :)

Maren said...

Happy DTR anniversary! May you have a life filled with love, laughter, and many more of those beautiful daisies!

JayDee said...

The flowers are beautiful! Dont' worry about the time before you got married, for Matt and I we dated 2 months before we got engaged, and then waited another 4 months before we were married. Congratulations guys on this special day!

kelli said...

Yeah, my husband and I....oh wait. I have no personal story. haha But I still love you! And I won't judge. I'm happy to have you as my seester! Lub yooou