Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Worst-Case Scenario

I am a worst-case scenario thinker. I tend to approach life circumstances thinking "What would I do if (insert worst-case scenario) happened?" I don't know if I would consider myself a pessimist, because I don't expect the worst to happen, I just want to be prepared for it if it does. Ya know, to have a plan, just in case. Plus, I figure if I plan for the worst-case scenario, I'll always be pleasantly surprised because I know that the worst-case scenario rarely happens.

Lately, I've been thinking about the future and what I would do if I couldn't bear children (my current worst-case scenario). I doubt we'd be able to afford adopting for a while, so what would I do with myself in the meantime? My plan has pretty much always been to be a stay-at-home mom. That's my dream. But if I'm not a mom, I can't really be a stay-at-home mom. . .

So this has got me thinking. What would I do with myself? I could always just get some random job. . . but would I find fulfillment (long term) in something I wasn't passionate about?

What if I went back to school? I could always get a masters degree in marriage and family therapy. Or I could get a teaching certificate and teach home ec or sewing. Speaking of sewing, I could always just find a job at a craft store so I could continue my crafting hobbies while getting a discount. It sounds like fun but would it get old?

I just can't figure out what my game plan should be. . . ya know, just in case. Luckily nothing has to be decided anytime soon.


*Aliese* said...

I don't think working at a craft store would EVER get boring. Teaching is awesome because every day is different. It's even more awesome because then the year starts over and things are still different even though what you're teaching is the same; it keeps things interesting!

Meredith said...

So weird...I often wonder that same thing!!

Lizzy said...

I'm a worse case scenario thinker too. My motto is, plan for the worst, expect the best. Only I don't actually expect the best. I blame it on how I was raised. Like I do everything else. Just kidding.

Worst case scenario, if you can't have kids, I'll be your baby mama. I'll grow ya one.

Jeanette said...

I think that you should just stay at home. I mean keep crafting, sell your things, increase your talents, do volunteer work, get really involved in your ward/calling and in the community. Even if you don't have children soon you can still stay so busy and feel fulfilled. A desk job would just depress you to tears, and once in retail you'll forever be stuck. Dare to do something different!!

Maren said...

I have a dear friend who was a stay at home mom before she was ever a mom. She volunteered at the school, and SAVED my life when I had triplets (a lot of people saved my life!).

I often wondered the same thing, and my back up plan was to work with abused children. I knew I couldn't do that if I had my own kids, because it's so emotional.

But that was a long time ago when Liz wasn't available to be my baby mama.

You options are endless.

Julie said...

My life has so far turned out to be a worst-case scenario based on dreams and goals I had in a couple of ways...not married, no children and maybe too old to have children at this point. It's depressing when I sit and think about it, but I do have a lot of other blessings in my life. I really wanted to be a stay-at-home mom but that hasn't happened and I had to make other plans...a career in the business world to support myself at this juncture. I hope that you get your dreams. With God, all things are possible!

Bradwich said...

Like my dad says, expect the worst, but hope for the best. And that's about all that I have to say.

ldsjaneite said...

I'm living my worst-case scenario and still worrying about your worst-case. Living the back-up plan is really, really hard. But "Trust in the Lord" is my lifeline scripture.

Darin said...

I'm in the same boat. I wish I could just land on something that made me passionate. I've heard that when that happens the best to do is to just be passionate about what you have to do and at some point you'll break out into whatever it is. - So, I'm a stay at home Dad. Sigh.

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

I like the picture you found to go with your post! Where did you get your adorable background?