Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Peanut Proof

Today I have extra proof (not that I'm worried about it) that Brad loves me. Guess what he brought home for me today...

Yup, that's right. A peanut butter Twix. How is that proof? Well my unenlightened friends, he's allergic to peanuts (well, most legumes to be more particular). Need I say more?


Lizzy said...

Did he put on a face mask so he could hold your hand while you sat on the couch to eat them? If not... I think I'd still be questioning his love. JK.

I love getting treats.

Bradwich said...

It's true, I love you.

And Liz, not only did I put on a face mask, but I also threw on some gloves and wrapped myself up in Saran Wrap. I'd even go so far as to put on a biohazard suit. That's how much I love my J-bear.

Jeanette said...

awwww, you guys! that is really sweet, way to get points brad!

Maren said...

And PB Twix are so good.

Good job, Brad.

K P said...

Most definitely true love! :) You guys are so cute! Love ya!

Julie said...

What a sweetheart! Brad's the best!

Mardi and Jeremey said...

He does love you! I want one! That sounds tasty!