Saturday, August 9, 2008

Best Saturday Activity Ever

Since we are low on food (that needs refrigerated) and our freezer has needed defrosting for months, Brad and I finally took some time today to defrost our freezer. And since I haven't blogged in a while, I thought I'd share a thrilling mid-thaw picture.


Bradwich said...

I can't believe the hours of fun that we've had already. Whouda thunk that sitting around staring at the freezer would be so much fun?

Maren said...

See how boring your life is when you don't believe in vampires?

Anne said...

HA HA HA. You know back in the day...when I was little, I remember my mom defrosting the freezer! Ha ha. what fun! Hope you too are doing great! Guess what we are looking for houses down in Orem! So maybe we will be moving closer to you. (We are also looking for some up here but well it is cheaper down there so we will see which one wins out!) Hope you had fun defrosting!

Lizzy said...

I love Maren's comment. Vampires rule. Thawing out freezers drool.

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

I've never heard of anyone needing to defrost a freezer? Is that weird? What's the purpose for it?

Anne said...

ha ha Jennifer! Never defrosted a freezer?!? Well back in the "old days" freezers didn't self defrost which means they get a big old layer of ice all around it, and the longer you don't defrost it the thicker the ice gets sometimes it gets REALLY thick, and then there is no room for food. =) well, i've never seen it get that bad, but you get the idea! You have to put a pot of boiled water in there (or use a hair dryer) and let the ice melt and then chip it out until you have a nice clean freezer once again! We did it when we lived in apt when I was about 10. But after that our fridge did it by itself. Technology is amazing isn't it! Gets rid of those little inconveniences like freezer defrosting! Brings back good memories though...

Meredith said...

I love Maren AND Liz's comments...I second those!