Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring; the old man is snoring...

Rain. I love it. And it is absolutely pouring outside at the moment and has been for some time now. So... we went for a walk. We got thoroughly soaked within minutes and now look like drowned rats... or at least I do. So fun!


Bradwich said...

I look like a drowned beaver.

kelli said...

Hey--you texted me right after! Cutie! You guys are so fun. Love you :)
I'll agree with the drowned beaver part. ha ha.

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

ya look so cute! I need to play in the rain with Adam one of these days...he would think his mommy is crazy fun.

K P said...

How fun! You both look so cute!

ldsjaneite said...

Yea for rain! I remember puddle-wading with you before. :-)

Maren said...

There is nothing better than a rainy day!

Phew - I'm glad to know that we have SOMETHING in common after all!

Meredith said...

I love the rain! And playing in it is the best!

Lizzy said...

Were you guys playing outside or something? Why are you all wet?

I think you're suppose to take showers WITHOUT your clothes on. You newlyweds.