Monday, April 21, 2008

embarrassing story of the day

Today at work, as I sat at my window patiently waiting for customers to come in, I saw the mail delivery guy coming for his afternoon drop off/pick up. As I sung my legs around on my nifty swivel chair to get up, what should my foot kick? The panic button.

The panic buttons are conveniently located at kicking level, in case any one should try and rob my place of employment. Many an afternoon I have been paranoid of kicking this lovely little red button, and for over a year and a half I have been lucky... but today... not so lucky.

After I felt the little red button against my foot I instantly panicked (oh the irony). I instantly turned around and told my supervisor who nonchalantly picked up the phone and called whomever it is that you call in these situations. She laughingly gave my information to the nice person on the other end of the phone and told me to get my ID out and wait... for the police.

Less than a minute later I was told to go meet the police officer outside. So, I went, embarrassingly showed him my ID, and emphatically reassured him there was no emergency situation and that no one was forcing me to tell him there was no emergency situation.

Ahh. So embarrassing. But surprisingly a somewhat common occurrence in my office. One of my coworkers has even kicked said panic button 3 times. Oh what a day. :)


Julie said...

Thanks for sharing. That's pretty funny.

Lizzy said...

I've accidentally pushed a panic button before while working at the U. Or was I just bored?

Bradwich said...

It made me really happy when you told me that story today. Too funny! Love you!

Anna said...

that's funny. I'm glad to hear there was no real emergency. Just accidental kicking.

Tara said...

That is pretty hilarious! Now you can push it again just for pure entertainment on a dull day. Those provo cops needs something to do anyway. :)

Cambu said...

Oh Jess. I love you. I wish we had panic buttons when you worked with me and then I could have laughed all day long! I'm glad it turned out okay.

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness. That is too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

ldsjaneite said...

That's a great story. I had a panic button when I worked at a gas station. It was too hard to hit it accidentally, but I had such an impulse to press it. It kept calling "Push Me!"

Jen Bowen said...

That's amazing! Must have been a slow day if the cop showed up that fast. Where do you work?

Maren said...

Jess your story made me laugh. And the way you told it made me laugh harder.

You are awesome!

Nick said...

I love the part about the irony of panicking after pushing it...LOL!!! Great story! Luv U!