Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My new favorite

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I haven't even been that busy... just lazy. Anyway, what matters is that I'm posting now.

Last night Brad and I went on a celebratory date, now that classes are officially over (even though my last class was Friday and his was Monday). We went to a new restaurant a friend recommended, called Pizzeria 712. So yummy. I highly recommend it (and so does Brad).

Afterwards we went and saw Penelope. I have been wanting to see this movie since early last year when I saw the trailer, so I've been waiting for a long, long time. And I was not disappointed. It was cute, fun, silly, and just a happy movie with a great moral. Plus, I loved the wardrobe of Penelope. So cute!


Maren said...

Sounds like a fun time. And congrats on being done with classes!

Lizzy said...

I can't believe Brad willingly saw that movie with you. I don't think I could pay John enough. I'm jealous.

Yay, you're done with classes. Maybe now we can come play Nintendo at your house?

Meredith said...

Hooray for the end of classes! Congrats!

Darin said...

The movie looks very creative with an original twist. We have pizza at least three times a week, lately, so that didn't sound too good. Nice to be done, eh? Way to go!

Jen Bowen said...

Yeah for being done! No more classes for you since you're graduating right? It's weird getting to that point. It's still weird for me to not be having finals at this time of the year. At least Derrick will have more free time.

Is Brad taking classes over the summer or does he get a break? We should get together again. Maybe once the crazy wedding stuff for Melissa and Nate is done with.

Did you end up picking a haircut and going for it?

Bradwich said...

It was an awesome Tuesday night, that's for sure. And then we had finals. Blah