Sunday, March 30, 2008

Listy list list

In 3 weeks I'll be done with my bachelor's degree. Holy cow! It's taken me a long, long time and I'm finally finished (basically right?). I can't believe that I won't have homework to do anymore (for a few years at least, depending on whether or not I decide to go to grad school). I'll be able to start projects and read books (for fun) to my heart's content. No longer will I feel guilty that I'm neglecting my school work... because I won't have any!!

It doesn't feel real, but I'm sure it will soon enough. I may be silly, but I've already started a list of things I want to do or projects I want to start (and in some cases finish). Here it is:

· Read the Twilight series

· Finish a dress I started making over a year ago

· Defrost the freezer

· Finish the Canterbury Tales

· Learn how to digital scrapbook

· Get a Provo library card

· Grow sprouts

· Plant flowers and vegetables

· Learn how to garden

· Study for the GRE (maybe I’ll take it)

· Find a full-time job

· Start name extraction-ing

· Make appliqué wall hangings

· Finish a knitted scarf I started a few winters ago

· Find and join a card swap club

· Mend and alter the pile of clothing that has been stacking up

· Make personalized mattings for The Family: A Proclamation to the World and The Living Christ

· Compile favorite recipes

· Learn how to knit without a loom

· Clean the oven

· Finish writing and send thank you cards

· Learn French

· Plan a trip to Disneyland

· Go through all of my old school notebooks and folders and destroy what I don’t need

· Bring my awesome shredder down and shred old documents that have been piling up

· Organize book shelves

· Spring clean!!

· Finish The Phantom Tollbooth

· Finally make it through A Tale of Two Cities


Bradwich said...

Love the list! And it'll be fun to check some of those things off. Think of all that free time, only three weeks away... ;)

Unknown said...

The Phantom Tollbooth could possibly be one of the best books ever written.