Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dear Bloggers,

I must apologize for my lack of commenting as of late on your wonderful blogs. I know I've been neglectful, truly neglectful. And I'm sorry.

It's not that I don't read your blogs anymore. I do. Faithfully. It's just that I've become addicted. Addicted to google reader.

Google reader is amazing. All I had to do was subscribe to your blog and now it updates me whenever you've posted something new. No longer are the days when I actually went to your blog to check to see if you had something new up. Now it comes to me. How can I resist such technology that caters to my lazy side? The truth is, I can't.

I've tried to go to your blogs every now and then to add a witty comment, originally thought up while reading on google reader... but by the time I made it to your blog, the comment was no longer witty, and therefore, not worth posting.

So, there you have it. I hope you can forgive my lack of commenting on your blogs and that you'll still continue to comment on mine. And in the future, I'll try to get back that commenting feeling again (Liz, I hope you just caught that reference).



*Aliese* said...

Isn't Google Reader an amazing invention?!?! For me though, I have to get the full "BLOG" effect and I always click to see the original post, therefore making it easy to post a witty comment or two. Have you had a problem though when a feed couldn't be loaded?? I have a few people whose blogs I still have to click on from my own! Enlighten me!

Maren said...

Dear Jess,

I have noticed the lack of comments. Am I not cool anymore? I thought to myself. Do I lack wittyiness? Am I not living up to Jessica's high expectations? Do I just plain stink? No, I thought. Jessica is either (a) reading on Google Reader; or (b) reading Twilight. Twilight I can forgive. Google Reader?.....

See how fun it is to get a comment?

Lizzy said...

I too have google reader and you can still comment using it! Just click on the blog title of the post you're reading and scroll on down, honey. It's as simple as pie. Although pie is not simple if we're talking about making it. It's not even all that simple if we're talking about eating it. You have to get out the pie cutter and the ice cream and then you have to let the ice cream soften so it can melt on top of the warm, gooey pie. And then you have to sit down and get super cozy before you can really dig in and enjoy. So I guess pie isn't really all that easy. Commenting on google reader is much more simple. So it's really easier than pie.

Make sense? No more excuses then.

And, yes, I totally caught the reference. I always do.

Cambu said...

I'm not sure you even deserve a comment! :) Just kidding!

I've never heard of Goodle Reader, but then again, I'm not a blogging expert like you are. I'll continue to read blogs the old fashioned way...it gives me something to do. :)