Friday, February 8, 2008

what dreams may come

Over the past month or so I've had some pretty bizarre dreams. Just ask Brad. And last night was no different. I don't remember the whole dream but what I do remember is pretty random.

First of all, there was a modern-day Medusa, who didn't actually kill people, but rather put them in a trance from which they eventually died due to lack of nutrition. Also, this Medusa wasn't ugly with snakes coming from her head--she looked more like Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove (but not as sickly thin).

Also, this Medusa lived in a beautiful mansion which happened to be located on BYUs campus. She also had some servants who for some reason weren't put into the trance.

From what I recall I was following around some girl who's best friend had just been put into a trance by Medusa. For some reason I was trying to protect her so she could save her friend and all the other trance victims (but she wasn't the brightest bulb so I had to make sure she didn't get herself into more trouble) by killing or somehow getting rid of Medusa.

The easiest way to kill/get rid of Medusa was to kill a seal--but that wasn't really an option for us so we had to go to plan B.

The two of us, along with Brad and some other individual decided we had to sneak into the mansion. Once in, we found a room with a kitchen in it. For some reason, I instantly knew to look in the freezer... and what did I find? Packets of fry sauce! And some prepackaged fish pieces! We were saved!

Apparently, one of the servants was on our side and had provided a way for us to get rid of Medusa--I just knew it! Because also put in the freezer were hot pads (to protect our hands), baseball caps and vizors (to protect our heads and possibly eyes), and pieces of fabric that I fashioned into aprons (to hold the washcloths that the servant also left for us).

We got into our gear and were looking to begin the hunt for Medusa when I WOKE UP!

Pretty upsetting ey? I never got to find out how we were planning on getting rid of Medusa with fry sauce and fish.

Any ideas?


*Aliese* said...

So cute! I am totally using this one eventually (it was the colors of our wedding). I just love that I can change the background now whenever I want without losin' stuff!

Lizzy said...

Nice dream. You probably ate the fish sticks dipped in fry sauce in front of Medusa and she died of jealousness. That's what I do.

Amber said...

Cute blog Jess! Fish sticks sound really good right about now but that might because it is past two and I haven't eaten lunch yet. My husband snores really loud so I don't really sleep, therefore I don't really dream. I have a rough life.

Maren said...

I love how you even sew in your sleep! That right there is why you have nightmares, my friend.

Better luck tonight.

K P said...

Sorry, can't help you interpret this one. :) Very entertaining though.

One recurring dream I have is that we have moved back to our first home. In my dream I find myself asking the question "Why? Why would we want to move back?" Interesting thing about the home in my dream -- it's always bigger than it really was -- improvements have been made.

I think that home was such a big part of my life because that is where we raised our four oldest children (we only spent eight years there.) There are a lot of memories that were created.