Saturday, February 9, 2008

my first time!

Last night was my first time going to a gymnastics meet. It was BYU v. Utah and it was a lot of fun! I think Brad even enjoyed himself (it was his first time as well). Utah was by far the better team--but I was expecting that (and in fact, the reason I wanted to go was to see Utah--but don't let anyone I work with find out or else I might get fired :)). My favorite part though was at the end when a local gymnastics studio performed and little 3 and 4 year olds ran around tumbling and doing somersaults. It was the cutest thing ever!


Bradwich said...

It WAS a lot of fun--it was amazing to see what those ladies could do. And their tree-trunk-like thighs.

Tara said...

Of course Utah was the better team! :)

Ok LOVE the wedding picture on the side there. You guys look so great!

Maren said...

Isn't gymnastics great? You can sit around eating hot dogs and nachos and watch stick thin women in tip-top shape run and jump and twirl and put you to shame. Seriously, though, Darin and I love to watch gymnastics, especially if the Utes are involved. Glad you had fun!