Monday, June 11, 2007

So There Is A Silver Lining

So... I taught Gospel Doctrine yesterday at church for the first time. Luckily, I was able to use my ADD and selective memory to my advantage: I could still prepare for the lesson while conveniently "not remembering" that I had to teach (so that I wouldn't psych myself out).

Once class started, I was, I admit, nervous (but only slightly). Fortunately I had a small class full of people I actually knew and were friends with, which put me more at ease. Overall, it was a great learning experience. I learned that I am able to teach Gospel Doctrine without making a fool of myself, that the Lord knows more of what I am capable of than even I am, and that teaching others is a great way to learn (I learned more as a Sunday School teacher than I usually learn as a Sunday School student).


. said...

Amen. :-)

Bradwich said...

Way to go!! I'm proud of you!

Tara said...

Good job Sister Liz's Maiden Name. (sorry don't know your last name!). Anyway I'm glad it is working out for you!