Sunday, May 31, 2015


It has been over a year of just crickets on this old blog. A lot has changed in that time. We no longer live in Ohio and are back in Utah. Brad is pretty much done with his intern year of residency. I tried to get into my dream Masters program and didn't get in (it was a long shot anyway). But the biggest news of all? We are trying to adopt a baby! True story. We even have a sweet profile set up on Maybe I'll keep you posted... maybe not?


Unknown said...

sorry you didn't get into the program you wanted... another year, perhaps? But I am super stoked to hear about the adoption process underway! Glad for the update!

Rachel said...

I saw this on my facebook feed and thought of you!

Nancy and Spencer said...

Your profile is so perfectly YOU guys! We are sending mighty big prayers up with mighty big faith that your baby will come home to you soon.
We LOVE you Brad & Jess!!