Friday, April 27, 2012

Awareness Week

This week was/is National Infertility Week. I haven't blogged about it before (that I can remember) but I'm pretty open about our struggles. Anyway, in honor of National Infertility Week, I thought I'd link to some blog posts about infertility and why even the fertiles shouldn't ignore it. :)

Why You Can't Ignore Infertility
The Life and Lies of Karissa Kim
So You Say You're Reading the Old Testament 

If anyone is struggling and needs a friend, I'm available.

Also, here is a funny picture of Brad. I love him. ALSO, he no longer has a mustache (this picture is a few days old)! Let the heavens sing their joyous praises!


Karen said...


Thanks so much for sharing these posts. I enjoyed all three. The movie was beautiful and the experiences shared were such a wonderful reminder to turn to the Lord. I loved how "Nat the Fat Rat" shared her insights from the Old Testament. Loved it!!

I am so sorry that you and Brad are going through this. I know the pain you go through (physically, emotionally...) is very real and difficult. I pray you feel lots of comfort and love.

Unknown said...

a friend of mine is blogging about her experiences with infertility, iui and ivf. You may find it interesting:

kelli said...

ha! that mustache...

thanks for sharing my cousin's post!

Lindsay said...

Hey, late to the party here. I hope you watched the video on I was glad to see it was on one of the links. We watched it together and I sent it to my sister as well. I think there are more that struggle with infertility than the stats say. If YOU or Brad needs a guy friend, we are here for you. Guys have their own way of dealing with it. Love you both and good luck to Brad with school.