Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chalkboard and Chicken

I'm not very good at decorating my house... a lot of my walls are still empty even though we have lived here for almost a year (holy crap?! has it really been that long?).

Because I am bad at decorating, I feel like I have to celebrate the little things. Like, recently, I finally put something on my kitchen/dining room wall. Be proud. I even made it.

It is a chalkboard. I really crappy one but I still like it nonetheless. Here is what it used to look like before it became purple-y and chalkboard-y. It sure makes me happy to have something on that big ol' wall. Plus, I like that it is imperfect. It has character.

Here is what the rest of that room looks like:

And a slightly better view of my green chairs, which I don't think I ever blogged about but which I also dearly love.

I don't even care if no one else likes the room because I do. It is simple but colorful and happy. Sure, the other wall still needs something on it and Brad has a pile of school papers on the floor near the wall, but STILL. I have to celebrate the little things.

Speaking of Brad, he is camping out in the new Chick Fil A parking lot as we speak (er... as I type). I guess whenever there is a grand opening of a new store they offer 100 people a year of free meals (one meal a week). And guess what? He is part of that 100... he just has to stay in their parking lot for 24 hours to get the coupons. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Good thing he can share those coupons with me. :)

Oh, and aren't the roses I picked from a nearby bush purdy? Me likey.


Karen said...

totally worth the 24 hours!!! I love your green chairs.

*Aliese* said...

Wow, congrats on the food for a year; that's awesome!

kelli said...

YOU BLOGGED! :) I got really excited.
Your house is ADORABLE--I love your kitchen and your chalk board. And you!
I'm excited to see you guys again soon!

ldsjaneite said...

I had no idea about that with Chick-Fil-A. So jealous. Enjoy a waffle fry for me!

Lauren said...

pretty chairs! love those!