Wednesday, January 19, 2011

what to do... what to do...

Since it is January this may seem like a post about New Year's Resolutions... but it isn't really. I've just been thinking about things I want to accomplish in the near future and decided I needed to write them down so I have more accountability... and so I remember (because I'm really good at forgetting).

  • Make a profile on
  • Find the happiness in each day
  • Use media and technology less (I don't know how to quantify this... yet)
  • Give out a pass along card or two
  • Go on adventures
  • Be thrifty
  • Take better care of my body (more vegetables, less sweets; more exercise, less couch potato-ing)
  • Invite someone to meet with the missionaries (this is big for me - I am a HUGE scaredy cat).  
  • Expect miracles
So there it is. These (obviously) aren't the only aspirations I have, but these are ones I want to focus on for now.


    Bradwich said...

    I approve. :)

    ldsjaneite said...

    The profile on is actually a lot of fun. I have a kind of goal to answer one of the questions every week. Now that I have Internet again, we'll see if I stick to it!

    By the way, being that you and Brad are native Salt Lake County-ers, any suggestions or must-do's I should know about?