Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bye bye 2010

So most people talk about how awesome their last year was once a new one has started... but I'll do that later (in this post? maybe...). I just wanted to be honest and say last year kinda sucked. Sorry if you don't like the word suck... you can pretend I said stunk instead.

2010 wasn't all bad. Good things did happen but I was grumpy. It wasn't my best year. Poor Brad had to deal with me. He is basically ready for Saint-hood (if only we were Catholic).

I know I sound ungrateful for saying my year sucked but it was mostly my attitude that sucked (I fully admit that). I wasn't happy about our living situation at the beginning of the year or about a long commute to work. I was sad to move away from my sisters and their cute kids. It was hard for me giving up most of our belongings to start over in a new state (except I was SUPER happy to give up our green/brown laminate kitchen table and velour yellow love-seat). I was heartbroken when it felt like everyone I knew was having a baby and I wasn't. It was hard not being with my family when my mom was hospitalized for 3 weeks... etc.

BUT, guess what? Last year made me stronger. And over the last month I feel like I have finally come out of my 2010 funk and am ready to make 2011 a MUCH happier year. So that's good right?

So yes, 2010 wasn't my favorite year and I'm glad to see it go... but I'm grateful for how it helped me grow and for the lessons I've learned. I learned that while sacrifice can be super hard, it is totally worth it in the end. I learned that adversity can make us stronger... if we let it. I learned that I can be happy even if I don't get the thing I want most. So thanks 2010 for the lessons you taught me. And thanks for ending! :)


kelli said...

Yay for making 2011 happier!!
And yay for being close for the summer of 2011...!! :D

Karen said...

I'm glad you're happy to start 2011. I think you're right that some years seem to really be amazing an others are harder. I'm excited to hear all of the wonderful things that 2011 will bring for you. I have been reading The Sound of Sleigh Bells and keep thinking of you because you're the one that recommended it. I'm enjoying it.

Mandy said...

I love this post! And I love your guts too. Hopefully I'll get to see you sometime in the next 6 months or so!

Jeanette said...

Oh sweet sister! 2010 was a hard year for me too! I love your honesty, and I am glad you are coming out of your funk. I think with your new attitude 2011 really will be a fabulous year for you (even with you having to work and live away from me!) I love you and can't wait to hear about your adventures in Ohio. I miss your guts!!

ldsjaneite said...

Very wise. Wish I could have been there to help you and give you a hug!

Nancy and Spencer said...

Pretty sure I've never told you this but... I really love & respect you Jessica!
I'll be praying this new year will bring you the blessings to make all your wildest dreams come true. ;)

Cambu said...

Your attitude is one I have to constantly try and live by - learning to be happy despite not receiving that which you truly desire. You are amazing Jess. Never forget that. :)

Bradwich said...

I love you, sweetie. I'm glad that things are less funkadelic now. :)

Kristin said...

Glad you are feeling happier. I totally get the baby thing - it took a lot longer than I thought it would be be able to start our family and there were a lot of tears shed and heart ache when other people announced their good news. It sucked. But now that we are finally having a baby I can look back and see why we had to wait and am really grateful for it. It taught me that my plan is totally unique and just right for me - regardless of what is going on in other people's lives, and I have to trust that God knows what he is doing. Don't know if that helps any... hope it does. It will happen at just the right time. You are just the cutest and I hope you have a fantastic 2011!