Saturday, March 27, 2010


About a month ago I had a biometrics screening done at work (it is a blood test that checks various levels to see if you are healthy... it checks cholesterol, triglycerides, etc). My test came back fine and dandy except for my exceptionally high glucose levels. I'm not gonna lie, it shocked me how high it was. Yes, I love my treats and candy and chocolate but I didn't think I loved them that much. It was an eye opener and has made me more self-aware about what I eat.

Since then I have been on self-imposed low sugar diet. I haven't tried to cut it out completely (I'm not sure I could even if I wanted too) but I have cut back significantly. I've also increased how much I exercise. And you know what? I feel a lot better. Interesting how that works, ey?

With this new awareness I have also become a little obsessed (like my mother) with my vegetables. So when I ran across this blog with her beautiful pictures and fresh and healthy recipes, I became hooked. Plus, she is adorable. I want to be her friend.

Which leads me to Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution (if you read her blog you'll find that she is a fan and it is actually where I heard about the show). If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you do. Check it out on hulu. It is fuel to my healthy eating fire.


Cambu said...

I saw Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on TV last Sunday but I didn't watch it. Maybe I'll catch it tonight! :)

I'm proud of you for cutting back on the sugar and increasing the exercise! I love the way it makes me feel! It makes eating healthy so much more fun! :)

Bradwich said...

I'm impressed with your self-control, my dear. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the food revolution show! it is so hilarious to watch, its also shocking, and somewhat sad! Way to go with your selfcontrol