Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Miracle of Miracles

I have a favorite pair of earrings. I've had them for years and just love them. I haven't always been a big fan of jewelry but these earrings I would wear. And wearing them I was, about 2 weeks ago. On this occasion my earlobes just weren't feeling it and so I took them out. Guess where I put them? In my coat pocket. The same coat pocket were I put my car keys. And I forgot allllll about them. Until about 3 days later when I went to put them away and only one remained in my pocket.

I was heart broken (well... as heart broken as losing a pair of beloved earrings can make a girl). I searched everywhere I would normally pull out my car keys (driveway... train station...) and nothing. My earring was lost and gone forever.

Or so I thought...

Until yesterday after work. I was walking to my car thinking (of all things) about how that stupid florescent plastic bead has been in the parking lot for over a week and MY earring is nowhere to be found... and whammie. There it is. With the beautiful sun sparkling right on it. I was/am so excited.

It may be a little worse for the wear... but being driven on and exposed to the elements does that to an earring. After a little cleaning and some bending it'll be as good as new (or good enough...). Yay for small miracles!


Mandy said...

AHHH! What are the chances of that!! Happy day.

*Aliese* said...

That's awesome! I love when stuff like that happens! I'm very happy for you and your earring. :)

Cambu said...

What a happy ending to such a tragic story! :) I can't believe you found it, but that is just awesome!

Jen Bowen said...

I'm not usually that lucky. Yay for being able to reunite your favorite earrings.

Maren said...

Life is so good!