Thursday, January 14, 2010

Moving On...

And out...

It's true. Brad and I are leaving Provo. By the end of next week, in fact. Last Friday I was offered a full-time position at the University of Utah that I just couldn't pass up. At first I was planning on commuting from Provo (by bus) but then some sense was talked into me and now we are moving to Murray (in my in-law's basement so we can save $ for med school and because we can't sign a lease anywhere until we know where we are going in the fall). Unfortunately we both have to commute now but Brad finishes his undergraduate in April so luckily he'll only have a few months of busing it to Provo.

I start the job on the 25th and so by the end of next week we'll be packed and gone. Sad day. We both love Provo (hello mountains!!) and are sad to go but we feel it is the right thing to do. Maybe we'll be back one day... who knows.

Since our leaving this soon was unexpected we have lots of places to visit within the next week and a half. Our first stop: Rooster Dumpling and Noodle Bar. I had been wanting to try it for months and we finally did it! Of course I had to document the occasion (plus, this picture proves I wear the clothes I refashion).

And doesn't my meal look pretty? Brad said it was smiling at me.


Michelle and sometimes Jason said...

Wow, that was a quick decision. Let me know if you need any help packing or cleaning or the like.

kelli said...

You're moving to mom and dad's basement?? Wow.. Crazy. Since when?

Catherine Faux said...

Noooooooo! Just kidding. That's cool about your new job. I have had a card sitting on the table for you since Christmas...I guess I should send it before you move. Good luck with medical school!

ldsjaneite said...

It is smiling at you! Wow. I love taking pictures of my food. For 5 weeks I had to make the daily commute from Taylorsville to Provo. I got tons of reading done. I love that Utah's transportation system is so much better than anywhere else I've been. Good luck with your new job!

Julie said...

Well, you'll definitely have more room but have to share it with a few more people. I'm glad you will be closer...for a little while anyway. And yes, your meal is smiling at you. I'm not sure it's good to eat something that is smiling at you.

Bradwich said...

Crazy how fast this has all gone down. Both exciting and a little sad.

I like what Heidi said--I'm looking forward to some quality reading time.

Anne said...

how exciting that you found a full time job at the U!?!? Is this the one that you originally applied for? crazy...exciting! good luck!

Nancy and Spencer said...

Congratulations on the new job and the free rent! Moving on is hard, but oh so good at the same time. Trust me! :)

Mardi and Jeremey said...

Good luck with all the changes. It sounds like you guys are doing whats best for you. I look forward to hear about your new basement home and job. I am sure you'll have tons of adventures!

Meredith said...

Murray isn't so bad ya know...that's where we live and we love it!! So you'll be working at the U- what job is it?

Maren said...

I hear that working in the Admissions Office is way cool ;)

Anyway - yay for me! I'm glad I'll get to see you everyday!!!!