Wednesday, November 25, 2009

thankful for...

brad - a supportive, smart, and very attractive husband. cute and comfy shoes. that i didn't cry over my new haircut. my family. my sisters (yes, technically included in "my family" but i am especially grateful for them). brad's family. friends. crafts. yarn. funny people. good doctors. food. the mormon channel. my savior. the gospel. my testimony. heaters. soft, warm, and fuzzy blankets. new kitchen chairs. moving next year. being happy. the library. books. movies. the internet. temples. having a bachelors degree. being creative. owning a glue gun (seriously, i don't know how i lived without one). super cozy and soft beds. nieces and nephews. accepting the lord's will. cars. good drivers. eating out. music. felt. buttons. sewing machines. craft blogs. google reader. my camera. sweaters. cold water. chocolate (but i'm probably not as grateful for chocolate as brad is). that brad is the perfect height for me (seriously, perfect height... i could have a whole blog post about how perfect his height is for me. i love it!!). toaster oven. christmas. giving homemade gifts.


Maren said...

Ditto what I said on Jeanette's blog. Exactly ditto.

ldsjaneite said...

What a great list.

Bradwich said...

You're cute--and I love you lots!