Monday, July 20, 2009

An Update

So, I haven't really posted much lately... and I want to fix that. Right now. So here is an update of what I've been up to:

  • Reading. I have been reading a lot lately. It seems it is the only thing I really have energy for. But I've enjoyed it. Plus, Brad and I joined the Summer Reading Program at the Provo library. We've both totally earned our free t-shirts already. We are reading machines. To check out what I've been reading (and my reviews) check my goodreads.
  • After a CT scan, visits with a neurologist, and some nerve/muscle test, I've been diagnosed with a "soft tissue" problem in my neck. The treatment: muscle relaxers. It hasn't been fun but hopefully I'll be able to go off of the muscle relaxers in a month or two (once the problem fixes itself). This is the main reason I haven't posted much lately, as I posted about earlier here.
  • Embroidery. I am on a major embroidery kick lately and it's fun. It makes me happy.

  • Med school applications. Ok, so technically I haven't been working on med school applications, Brad has. But still, I'm there for moral support, plus I helped in the decision stage on which schools to apply to.
  • I'm finally being a big girl and learning how to drive a stick. Yeah, I'm 26 and just learning. Oh well. Better late than never.


Anna said...

That embroidery is adorable

Jill said...

Congrats on getting around to learn how to drive a stick. I really prefer an automatic myself. So much less to worry about with those. Good luck though!

ldsjaneite said...

Yay for the SRP at the library! I'm so proud. :-) I learned to drive a stick...but I've never been able to practice it. Go you!

*Aliese* said...

I love that embroidery! You're always so creative.

kelli said...

You are!?!?! That's awesome! I'm so proud of you :) And yes. Super cute embroidery. You rock my socks off.

Heidi said...

Yay! You found my blog! I'm so glad you did because now I get to read yours! (I LOVE all the crafts!!) I miss seeing you at church too. I really miss everyone but I do like my new ward and apartment. I hope your neck starts to feel better! That's no fun. And that's great you're learning stick--I think it's fun. :)

Maren said...

Love the embroidery.

I learned to drive a stick at 25, so I'm with you. Well, technically I learned at 18, but let's not go into that...

Kari said...

Good luck with the medical school applications! It is an annoying process, but hopefully worth it in the end.