Thursday, July 2, 2009


Yeah, I know I haven't posted in a while. I have an excuse. A valid one even. Want to know what it is? Ok. Well, I've turned into one of these:

(Minus the dancing. PS, RIP MJ)

Or, at least I feel like I have. Long story short, my neck hurts. Therefore, I'm on muscle relaxers that make me feel like the walking dead. Maybe I'll post regularly once I wake up.


Nancy and Spencer said...

Having a sore neck is such a pain in the...uh, well, neck. Sorry jessica! Hope it gets feeling better soon. Or at least if it doesn't you could do a cool Thriller zombie dance for us.

kelli said...

I, personally, would enjoy the dance, thank you. If you could get that choreography down by the next time we see you? I'll video tape it, Nance, don't worry ;)

Feel betta Jess

Julie said...

Sorry to hear about your neck pain. I hope you get feeling better soon!

Maren said...

Sorry Jess. Did you hurt it somehow? I feel so far away from you and wish I could come over and make you homemade chicken soup or something. I hope you feel better.