Friday, May 15, 2009

Floral Showers

See those cute flower buttons on my sidebar (I actually made the pink one from a picture I took a while back... with some help of course)? Wondering what they are for? Well, they are for a new craft blog my friend Anne and I have started, called Floral Showers. It was all Anne's idea but she was gracious enough to ask me to do it with her, and it has been a lot of fun so far! We only have a few posts up, but more will come, along with some sweet giveaways (I'll let you know when we do those). So subscribe! Get a button (available on Floral Showers)! Tell your friends!


Meredith said...

Fun idea Jess! And I totally have one of your buttons on my blog!

Bradwich said...

Nice work, babe! I'm proud of you guys!