Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sometimes I get lazy. Like really lazy and put off going to the grocery store (or blogging) for days and days. I'd rather stay home and find other random, unimportant things to do. About a month ago we ran out of bread and I did not want to go to the store. At all. But we really needed bread (for Brad's lunches)... so I decided to make bread instead (thank you bread machine). And I love it! Making my own bread is allowing me to only go to the grocery store about every other week instead of every week (I just spend a lot more now in a regular shopping trip than normal, but it works). Plus, it is healthier, tastes great, and makes me sound more domestic. It is a win-win-win situation.

Last nights loaf

Want the whole wheat recipe I use? Go here (except I substitute the last 1/4 cup of flour with six-grain and do the second rise and baking in a loaf pan [I don't like bread machine baked sized bread slices]).


Lizzy said...

You domestic little creature, you.

Cambu said...

My sister started making homemade bread when she and her husband got married to try and save money. They've now been married 13 years and she still makes her homemade bread every monday morning. I think it is such a great idea! You should keep it up!

Mandy said...

OOOOoo yummy. I need some bread pans. I don't like bread machine sized slices either.

*Aliese* said...

Umm...That bread looks so yummy! Homemade bread with butter is one of my most favorite snacks!

K P said...

Yummm! Brad's a lucky man!!! :)

Jen Bowen said...

I need to get a bread machine. I love homemade bread. Way to be domestic!

Bradwich said...

It's truly awesome--I love it! I really am a lucky man.

kelli said...

Will you make me lunches? :) Thanks

Maren said...

I'm so proud of you Jess! Feel free to share...