Monday, February 16, 2009


So, my awesome blogging friend Aliese is having a "Pay It Forward" giveaway on her blog and I'm totally going to copy.

How it works:

  • I'll randomly pick 5 winners to receive a homemade gift from ME!
  • The gift will come sometime within the next year, will be personally made by me for you, and can be whatever I want it to be.
  • Anyone in the US* can enter (lurkers, family members, anyone).
  • I'll announce the gift winners on Sunday on my blog (so please check back then if you enter).
What you need to do:
  • Leave a comment on this post (by Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009) with your idea of how you will "Pay It Forward." You can do this by having a giveaway of your own or anything else your creative mind comes up with.
*Due to shipping costs. If someone outside of the US would like to enter, please let me know and maybe we can work something out.


*Aliese* said...

Hmm...What an awesome idea! :) I would totally love to win one of your creative giveaways as well! (Since, afterall, I do feel inclined to totally copy most of your crafty things anyway).

K P said...

I want to play, too! :)
I'll pay it "Pay It Forward" by having a giveaway of my own that I will post on my blog. Thanks for the great idea and ... pick me, pick me, please. :)

Jeanette said...

hmmm, I willpay it forward by having me own give-away at the end of Feb/early March. I love this! You are ubber-talented so I am excited for you to announce your give-aways!! Love you!

johnson5 said...
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Anne said...

Oh DEAR Jessica! Of course it is okay you entered my giveaway! And here---now I entered yours! YIPPI!

Nancy and Spencer said...

I wasn't going to do this, because I felt oddly selfish taking away someone else's chance to receive one of your superb crafts. But then when I saw that you love felt...(I so love felt too!) I couldn't help myself. I just had too. If for no other reason then to see what fabulous thing you'll be creating to give away. :)
p.s. I promise to also make something homemade to payforward.

Unknown said...

I will "pay it forward" by finally going to the homeless guy that is always on university ave and giving him a meal to eat!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog so I can't play. But I think if I could, I would finally finish my butterfly quilt that's been in the works for over 2 years now, and give it to someone.

kelli said...

Darn it..! Too bad I never check blogs! This would've been totally awesome to win!! :( oh well

urban craft said...

Bummer, I missed this too but the pay it forwards are so awesome, thank you for doing one. I just finished a giveaway and will PIF on my blog soon.