Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Last weekend, on our weekly-ish trek up to Salt Lake to do laundry (I have the best in-laws who let us use their washer and dryer) we got a flat tire. On the freeway. After crossing 3 lanes of traffic to pull over and emptying the trunk to get to the spare, Brad realized we didn't have the tool that removes the tire bolts (tire iron?) or a jack worth its weight in beans. We were stranded. Luckily my father-in-law came to our rescue (seriously, best in-laws ever) and we were back on the road after 45 minutes of hanging out on the side of I-15 .

Because I was basically useless during our flat tire adventure and I had my camera on me, I documented the event (until it got too cold and dark outside).

Brad figuring stuff out...

Our super flat tire and the spare

Oncoming traffic

Realizing our jack is junk

Hooray! Help arrived! (Yes, I did take this picture from the safety and warmth of the inside of the car)


ldsjaneite said...

That's the first flat tire story that I've seen documented and told with such happy enthusiasm. I wonder if that's how I'll feel some day....

Mandy said...

How cute. I love this.

Bradwich said...

Jack... beans... how clever!

That tire was pretty hashed. The guys at Pep Boys showed me what it looked like, and dang.

Jen Bowen said...

Yay for cool parents in-law who can come to the rescue. They also make a great aunt and uncle :). I'd love to hang out with you again. Do you want to get together sometime this week or next? I actually have stuff to appliqué now.

Cambu said...

Oh, I hate "side of the freeway" adventures. I've had a couple. But they are always fun stories to share later on! Glad you got rescued! ;)

Maren said...

I'm glad you made yourself useful! And I'm glad you have the best in-laws ever.

On a side note, your word verification for this comment happens to be: accar. Coincidence?

JayDee said...

Sounds like you had an eventful day! I'm glad you have such great family to help out! (I wouldn't have a clue as to what to do!)

kelli said...

Yay for awesome parents!! They do rock. And I'm glad you guys were OK. I miss you! Love ya