Monday, January 26, 2009

The Summer of the Pink Bike

I am not a fan of winter, for numerous reasons. Lately, to help myself overcome the dreariness of the snow, the cold, and the overcast skies, I have been dreaming of sunshine, flowers, and green grass. I have been making spring/summer plans left and right. So far, most of the them revolve around the pink bike I want to get for my birthday (in April). I've already dubbed this summer "The Summer of the Pink Bike." I'm excited. I'll ride my pink bike to work. I'll spend hours soaking in sunshine riding my pink bike around town. I'll get a basket for my pink bike and deliver homemade cookies on my pink bike. Doesn't it sound lovely? Basically my pink bike fantasies look like this:

Bermuda shorts
Happy music
Pretty scenery

Best. Summer. Ever.


Jeanette said...

i wish we lived by eachother! then it really would be best.summer.ever!

Maren said...

I wish we ALL lived by each other. Best. LIFE. Ever.

Lizzy said...

I wish we could all live TOGETHER.
Best. ETERNITY. Ever.

Bradwich said...

Jess--I wish we lived by each oth... hey, it'll already be the best. summer. ever. Woohoo!

Btw, it would be fun to live closer to all of you, too.

Unknown said...

We should so go on bike rides and if we work together in the summer we can take a break and go on a bike ride. (maybe even with clark) lol

Maren said...

PS, not to put a damper on things, but where's that girl's helmet?

You can so tell I'm a mother...