Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last Sunday Brad had to shave his Christmas beard and he wanted to see what he looked like with a moustache. Well... we found out. What a sexy man.
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kelli said...

So gross. No one should have a mustache. No one.

Jess said...

I agree. They are nasty.

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! (That was the first thing I said when I saw the picture.) I have to agree with Kelli and Jess. I do not like facial hair on my man. A little scruffy is ok sometimes, but yuck to the mustache. You remind me of Snidley Whiplass or Inspector Clouseau or something like that. (:

Maren said...

Although if Brad Pitt can do it, then it's cool, right?

Darin said...

I think he should keep it and wear brown socks with his tennis shoes.