Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Last Friday Brad and I carved pumpkins with my old roommate and her boyfriend. It was a lot of fun and I took lots of pictures, mostly of Brad. Here are a few of my favorites.

Brad is quite the formidable opponent with a knife

Except for when he does that cute thing with his tongue

Taking my turn in our tag-team carving effort

Our finished creation (it is supposed to be a mummy... just use your imagination)


Meredith said...

Nice pumpkin! I'm glad you told us what it was though...because I don't think I could have figured it out on my own. :)

*Aliese* said...

So many people have been posting about pumpkin-carving and I'm getting very excited to carve mine! ...Sometime this week when things aren't crazy...

Lizzy said...

Sweet pumpkin. You look cute carving. We need to live closer to each other so I can borrow your clothes.

Maren said...

A mummy? Maybe it looks better in real life!

Cute pictures!

Kara said...

Aaron does the same thing with his tongue!! I'm glad he's not alone, maybe they could start a "i stick my tongue out when i'm concentrating" support group : )

Jen Bowen said...

No Halloween is complete without the traditional pumpkin carving. That's a pretty crazy knife you guys used. I like the mummy idea. It takes imagination and it's different than the traditional jack-o-lantern faces.

Darin said...

I thought the carving looks like some oriental writing. Maybe it spells mummy in Chinese!

Cambu said...

A mummy? Oh yeah...I see...

Oh, who am I kidding...I just don't see it.

But I never did have a very good imagination.... ;)

Jeanette said...

I hate pumpkin carving! Mine never turn out good. Lucy loves it though, she is soooooooooooo excited to carve hers soon!!

K P said...

It's a work of art! Love the pictures! Love you guys! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :)

kelli said...

AWESOME. You guys are so great. I love your guts. Y'all should come and play with me and Mand sometime! Miss you!

Mardi and Jeremey said...

Very creative....haha, I really do have to use my imagination. I love it!

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

I've decided this new version of carving pumpkins is too hard. I think I'll stick to triangles for eyes, nose and mouth.