Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Over the past year, I have gained about 10 pounds, which I know isn't a big deal because I was (and have been for most of my life) underweight. And now, I am at a normal weight and can finally give blood. This should be great right?

After 25 years, I have finally reached a point where I need to start exercising to maintain my weight. And I am at a loss. I always had a note from my doctor excusing me from PE (thank you scoliosis) and the most that I ever exercise now is yoga and walking. I need help. I don't think yoga and walking are enough.

Any suggestions?


Jeanette said...

am i the first to post? that is funny considering that you and me both got the excersizing jean that, well, um doesn't quite work. i hate it. liz loves it, so does maureena. so, on that note, happy losing those extra lbs! have fun with that- welcome to adulthood!!!

Anne said...

Hey Jessica, So after i had Audrey I tried a lot of different things (I too hate exercise) I tried aerobics and found it just hurt my feet too bad to be jumping around so much, and I tried running on the treadmill but well, I only did that about 3 times. I found that I really do like step aerobics though, and it didn't seem as hard on my body as other things did, and it worked up a sweat FAST! You just go buy a step at Walmart and it comes with a really great video...I also like windsor pilates----

I know what you mean though, exercise is a hard thing to do!

Anna said...

I think aerobics classes (at a gym or community center). I find working out with others is so much easier than on your own. Or you could try picking up jogging, I'm learning to like it more and more (though I have been a slacker lately).

Lizzy said...

I got (for my birthday or some special occasion years ago) a $150 cheapo elliptical trainer from walmart and I love it. Love it. I just don't do gyms. I'm not wealthy enough to buy a membership and I'm not motivated enough to actually go. So this works great for me. And it's really easy on your body; it doesn't even feel like you're exercising. And it works! Everything!

Also, another option is to bump up your walking. I used to go walking about three miles a night (around an hour and a half) and I really noticed a difference. I started out slow and eventually moved up to speed walking. And then butt flex walking. And then arm moving, butt flexing, speed walking. I really noticed a difference.

It's definitely not easy to watch your body change, especially when it's changing in ways it's never changed before. But it really is just part of getting older.

ldsjaneite said...

Turbo Jam!

Meredith said...

I love the "30 Day Shred" DVD by Jillian Michaels, a trainer from the show "The Biggest Loser." There are three differet level programs on the DVD, each workout is only 20 minutes long! It is a kick butt workout! I lack motivation in working out too, but that's why I like this DVD- only 20 minutes a day!!

Mardi and Jeremey said...

I'm telling you Jess. Wii Fit! Come on over and we can play!

Jess said...

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! Hopefully I can now get my butt in gear and start exercising!

Bradwich said...

I think you're hot. Fo' shizzle.

Maren said...

I say just keep up the yoga and walking. It's about health, Jess, not weight.


Remember that. (Remind me about it too, sometimes, k?)

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

Do Tae-Boe! :) Your husband is so sweet for commenting on your blog. Maybe someday I'll convince Mike to read "ours".