Sunday, October 19, 2008

Button Confession

For those of you who know me well (and I mean very well) know that I have an obsession for buttons. I love and adore buttons, whether they be antique, colored, eccentric, pearl, flat, covered, shanked or unshanked. I love them all (perhaps not individually, but collectively, I love all buttons). I grew up playing with my mom's button collection (if you are wondering how a button collection is "played" with, for me it consisted of going through the collection, one button at a time, admiring each and separating into piles based off of various button characteristics, ie color, size, etc... I'm all about simple pleasures).

Years ago I started my own button collection and I love to add to it from time to time. I get so excited when a buy a shirt or a sweater and it comes with extra buttons (I'm a nerd, I know) and I get even more excited when I go to the craft store and see their containers full of random buttons. Just last night I bought a "Christmas Potpourri" of buttons to help with embellishments for a Super Saturday project I have to get ready for (I'm on the Enrichment committee for my ward). It definitely felt like Christmas as I opened up the package to "play" with my new buttons. I think Brad thought I was crazy as I ooh'd and aah'd at each button. But it didn't stop me, I kept ooh'ing and aah'ing to my hearts content.

I just love buttons. Each one is different and unique. And they are so versatile. They are both practical (they hold clothes together) and fun (they can be made into magnets, craft projects, and to embellish anything your heart desires).

A few buttons from my collection

My entire collection in all of its messiness


Mandy said...

I love it. Love it!!

Bradwich said...

A nerd for a nerd! Could it get any better?

ldsjaneite said...

Wow, that's great. Much easier to store and move and such than my rock collection!

Anna said...

I love buttons too, but they seem so pricey. Where's a good place to get buttons for cheap?

Anne said...

HA HA HA, just about 3 days I got a jar out and started putting all my buttons in it that I had collected from shirts and craft projects. Makes me laugh. We too are much alike!

K P said...

That's quite an amazing collection of buttons! Growing up my mom had buttons in a tin and my sister and I would thread a needle and string them while she sewed. Good times. :) Love ya!

Meredith said...

I used to love to play with buttons too! Ahh...good times.

Maren said...

Button Button.

Who's got the Button?

We played that game in Primary last week.

I loved mom's collection of buttons. And her collection of Great Grandma's jewelry.

Darin said...

No way, I played Button Button too!

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

That is too cool! My grandma had a collection and I've started one (only in case a button falls of my shirt so they are all pretty boring). How do you make magnets our of buttons? That would be very cool!

Chill said...

This explains the button shank remover....