Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What to do?

School started yesterday for the husband. So far, he is super busy, what with advanced physiology, some infections and immunity class, 2 Spanish classes, an internship shadowing doctors, and a careers in microbiology class (all while still working in a research lab and volunteering at the hospital). It'll definitely be a busy semester... for Brad.

But what about me? I'm not in school anymore for the first time in a long time. What am I supposed to do in my spare time so I don't distract Brad from his homework (because he will definitely have a lot - and he is one of those that actually does his homework)? I've gotten so used to summer, just hanging out and having fun together. Unfortunately Brad won't be able to afford too much of that anymore. And now I am at a loss of what to do with my time...

Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I have found that Christopher (aka future husband) has been faced with the same problem... I started school last week and he's been incredibly bored.

He decided to pick up a hobby; learning the guitar. The only problem is, he likes to practice while I'm trying to read articles. :)

So, maybe find yourself a new hobby; learn a foreign language or instrument; make more things for your etsy shop; or just find some good books to read.

Lizzy said...

Mindsweeper. It's the answer to everything. Or come to Salt Lake more. I'll keep you entertained. You can watch the boy while I nap. So fun, right!?

I was faced with this same thing the first four YEARS of my marriage. You get used to it. I watched A LOT of TV and made friends my part time family. It worked.

Anna said...

well I can tell you what I would do with some spare time---learn photoshop and take a photography class so i can take better pictures and then play around with them. Seriously check out this website for some cool things photoshop can do:

or practice cooking! super fun.

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

I wish I could say come hang out with me...but seriously ever think about taking a trip with your friend Anne Malmborg to DC? You'd have free room and board and I wouldn't even charge you to be your full-time tour guide. :P Okay, so when are you guys coming?

ldsjaneite said...

Pull our that list of things you've always wanted to learn to do or try or...I'm making a waterproof "beach bag" out of plastic grocery bags. And practicing my French and Chinese. And putting all my pictures to music to burn to DVD. What's on your list? Everyone has one!

Cambu said...

You can hang out with me...wouldn't that be fun?

Meredith said...

I understand exactly what you are going through. Colby works full-time during the day and then goes to school at night. I took up cake decorating to occupy some of my time. I too like Liz did, watch a lot of TV. You and I could hang out! That's something to ponder...

Mardi and Jeremey said...

Thanks so much for the hook up Saturday!!! My dad kept saying over and over how nice it was of you. He really appreciated it! We both did. It was fun to see you too.

When I was in school and Jer wasn't, I bought him an X-Box. He would play that thing for hours while I did my homework. You should just come hang out with me in Spanish Fork and we can play Wii all day long. I have to admit, I get a little competitive with some of the games...haha, so watch out! ;)

Maren said...

I know you're a mean tetrus player, but there's always room for improvement.

Or, you could take up Solitaire again. Now's your chance!

Bradwich said...

I'm happy to see that you have a good support network full of ideas. Looks like you might not need to miss me too much. :)

Jen Bowen said...

I'm in a similar boat since Derrick has classes and is balancing 3 part time jobs right now. I like the ideas people posted so thanks for doing the post. Also, we live 1 or 2 minutes apart and should hang out. I do need to get a scrapbook/guestbook thing done for my sister-in-law's wedding. Sometimes working on different projects with a friend makes it more fun since you have someone to talk to! Let me know if you're interested.