Sunday, September 28, 2008


I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the Boutique on Friday. Thank you, thank you! It turned out awesome and was a lot of fun. It was fun to get feedback (and not just monetary feedback... although I appreciated that as well) on the things that I had made and to see all the fun and creative things that everyone else made.

It was successful enough that my sister is thinking a Christmas boutique may be in order... let's see what I can come up with for that!

1 comment:

The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

Congrats! I just realized the boutique was Friday and not Saturday. Darn...I told my sister Saturday. Maybe your sister wouldn't mind her coming to a Christmas one? I might be in Utah when you have one (if you do) and I could come give support! I'd love to see your talent in person!