Sunday, September 14, 2008

I've been tagged (twice)

So, over the past week I have been tagged, twice, first by Anne and then by Jean. In the interest of time and because I already completed a similar tag a few months ago, I'll only do one (sorry Jean).

Favorite person outside of family: I have a lot of favorites, but most of them are a part of my family or I consider them family.

Guilty Pleasure: Amanda Bynes movies. More specifically, What A Girl Wants and She's The Man. I feel like a junior-higher...

Quirks about me: For the past 3 days my right eye has been twitching. Nonstop. Is that a quirk?

Any regrets in life: For the most part, no. Sometimes I wish I could do some things over, but then I look at the lessons I have learned and realize I needed to go through what I did.

Favorite Charity/cause: March of Dimes?

Favorite Blog recently: Hmm... I like a lot of blogs. Recently though? Tip Junkie is pretty awesome. Makes me want to throw a birthday party...

Worst job I ever had: I guess that would have to be the dry cleaner's I worked at in high school, but only because of the questionable owners.

Favorite Bible Verse: I'm not a respecter of bible verses (or I'm just too lazy to go get my bible...) :)

Any Confessions: I wish, but only because it would make this more interesting to read.

If you had to spend $1,000 on yourself, how would you spend it:I'd get some new clothes and shoes and maybe try my hand at accessorizing.

Favorite thing about your house: Rent is cheap.

Least favorite thing about your house: It is TEENY. And by teeny I mean really, really teeny.

One thing you are good at: I like to think I'm good at crafting.

One thing you could change about your circumstances: Finances.

Who would you like to meet someday: How about Christian Bale? He's pretty good looking.

Who is your real life hero: That's tough. But I'd have to say mothers.

What is the hardest part of your job: Dealing with ornery customers who feel entitled to everything for free.

When are you most relaxed: When I am at home hanging out with Brad.

When are you most stressed: Whenever I think about money issues.

What can you not live without: My family.

Why do you blog: It is a fun way to keep in touch with other people and because I'd feel weird blog stalking other people if I didn't blog.

Who are you tagging: No one. :)


The Wolford Pack (Jen) said...

I like Amanda Bynes too! I hope she never does anything crazy like most celebrities! It was fun reading your tag! :)

Maren said...

Sorry Jess. I tagged you, too, before I realized that Jean tagged you and you weren't even going to do it.

But I tag you anyway.

I liked this post, btw.

Meredith said...

Fun post! I like Amanda Bynes too..."She's The Man" is SO great!

Anne said...

ha ha ha Jessica! Thanks for doing the tag. They take FOR----EV----ER to do (at least it took me forever. Yikes!)

Jeanette said...

that's fine that you didn't do my tag. I still love you!!