Sunday, June 22, 2008


I've been tagged twice (thanks Heidi and Liz)... so here I go!

First tag

Tag rules:

1. You link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on y
our blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random pe
ople at the end of your entry.
5. Let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on th
eir blogs.
6. Enjoy the results

Six Unimportant things abo
ut myself:
1. I used to make my Barbie's clothes on an old treadmill sewing machine.
2. In high school, I on
ce spilled a lot of fry sauce on my pants. It was pretty embarrassing.
3. I have a scar on my forehe
ad given to me by my sister Liz. She rammed my head into an iron railing.
4. I can spread my toes.

5. If I smell something unpleasant in the morning I tend to dry-heave. No, I'm not pregnant. This has happened for years and years.
6. I'm not allowed to land on my bum on trampolines, Dr's orders.

Second tag

3 Joys
1. Crafting. I love making things, especially if it involves sewing.
2. My husband. He can always make me laugh.
3. My sisters.

3 Fears
1. Like Liz, I fear my metabolism slowing down. I feel like it is already starting and I don't know how to handle it as I've never had to watch my eating habits before.
2. That I'll have to be on bed-rest for the majority of my pregnancies. Scoliosis has most likely ruined any chances I have of caring a baby normally and I pray that my little body can handle being pregnant.
3. Driving in bad weather. I'm not a fan of driving to begin with (I'm not good at paying attention to my surroundings) and to add bad weather on top of that just scares me.

3 Goals
1. To start my own Etsy shop.
2. To start having children within the next two years.
3. To help manage our finances better.

3 Current Obsessions
1. Appliquéing. Call me crazy, but I just LOVE appliquéing.
2. Starting my own Etsy shop.
3. Crafting. I'm always trying to figure out what my next project will be before I even finish the current one.

3 Surprising Facts About Me
1. I am at least 2 inches shorter than I should be. Thank you scoliosis for making me shorter than my husband!
2. I was born with moles all over my face (I believe there were at least 3). My mom was wonderful enough to have the doctors remove them asap.
3. I am a year and a half older than my husband, but he looks and acts older so no can tell.

I tag: no one! I never know who to tag... so I won't tag anyone. :)


Maren said...

Wow. You can spread your toes. Thanks for the visual.

Yeah. I'll never forget it.

That was a funny blog.

Except the toe spread.

Those kind of things gross me out.

Lizzy said...

Oh, I love the picture of all us crazy girls. That picture pretty much sums us up, doesn't it?

You really need to get started with that etsy shop. Times a-wasting.

Bradwich said...

It was tough when you asked me what was unimportant about you. To me, it's all important...

ldsjaneite said...

That was great to read. I didn't know some of those things about you.

K P said...

It's fun getting to know you better! I love your guts!!!

Anonymous said...

that's a gross picture of your toes! I didn't know about that fun little fact about you. Guess you learn something new everyday! But I have to agree that you are totally obsessed (in a good way) with craftly and Etsy. You are going to make it big, I just know it!!

Meredith said...

Wow- you lead such a fascinating life! Brad is a lucky man!