Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I took the plunge

I've been contemplating a haircut for some time now. I even blogged about it a while ago to get your opinions on which haircut I should get. And today, I finally stopped talking about it and actually got it cut. Six inches are now missing from my once beautiful luscious locks. I don't have pictures yet (those will probably come once I actually think it looks cute enough to take pictures of) but it was none of the haircuts I had been thinking of... partly because I don't have guts to go drastic and partly because the girl who cut my hair didn't cut it how I asked her too...

Oh, and I haven't cried over it... yet.


Bradwich said...

I'm very proud of you for not crying. And I think you're super hot.

Oh, and thanks for the welcome back to the world of blogging.

Lizzy said...

I'm anxious to see it! I'm so proud of you for not crying. Although you're not really the type to cry over hair. It does suck she didn't pay attention to what you wanted. That's what she's getting paid for! You think she'd want to give you want you want. But I'm sure it's cute. You always look cute!

Send me a pic through email. Or a phone pic. I want to see it! Or I'll guess we'll be seeing it when you post pictures from your dinnyland trip, right??

Meredith said...

I'm sure it looks great! Post pics soon!

Jen Bowen said...

6 inches is pretty brave. I'm excited for pictures too. I got 4 inches cut off a few weeks ago and had to battle with the haircutting lady to try and get her to do what I wanted. I can sympathize with the frustration.

*Aliese* said...

I was wondering when and if you were going to do it since you'd blogged about it so long ago! And yes, it's no fun when the stylist pays no attention to what you want or honestly isn't experienced enough to create the cut you're goin' for...My favorite was a lady actually said to me, "I knew what you wanted, but thought this would look better!" Good grief. She's not on America's Next Top Model! She's not supposed to ruin lives with a haircut! Anyway, all bitterness toward hair stylists aside, I'm looking forward to seeing pictures.

K P said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your new hairstyle! You are such a cutie!

I'm glad we got some fun pictures of Brad with your beautiful luscious locks before you had them cut. It will be a little more difficult to do that now - at least for a little while. :)

Tara said...

What a tease you are! Show us a picture already! :)