Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm not sure I'm ready for this...

For months and months now I've been plagued with a decision I had thought I'd already made. But I have been bombarded time and again with unwanted advise from the ones I love the most. I was holding firm to my decision to withstand. I was sticking to my guns.

And now... I may have succumbed to the wiles of my sisters.

Maren, Jeanette, Liz... I've decided to read Twilight.


K P said...

I hear it's a hard book to put down. So buckle up, hold on, and have fun! :) Love ya!

Cambu said...

Ahhh...I tried to withstand as well and I failed miserably. I read all three books in 10 days. My advice: don't plan anything else during the time you'll be reading this book (along with the other two). They are very hard to put down. You will love them though.

Lizzy said...

You are ready, Jess. You are ready. I'll let you read my copy of the book. It's been highlighted, cross-referenced with the others in the series and I've added notes in the columns. You can do this!

Maren said...

Oh Jess, I am soo excited for you! Now next time we go to Aunt Hilary's you, too can play Twilight with the Barbies with the rest of the sisters!

Jen Bowen said...

Let me know how you end up liking them. I'm still deciding whether or not I'll read them. I've held out this long but they also sound like they're a great read.

Mandy said...

Ha ha ha ha fabulous. They are the best. You'll like them.

Megan said...

I just found your blog through facebook, took a little peek (hope you don't mind). Blogs are so fun. Here is a link to my blog http://shawfamilystories.blogspot.com/

*Aliese* said...

Interesting...I still have yet to read them as well. Being an English teacher, I've totally read hundreds of book reports on them, but I have yet to read them for myself. Maybe I'll take the plunge one of these days too.

Anonymous said...

Jess, your now just like us. You have succumed and joined the band-wagon. You are now a follower, doing what the crowd is doing.

But OH MY GOSH! You are going to be so pleased with yourself! I am so excited to talk to you about it. I really hope you like it. don't be critical. It's make-believe. It's fantasy. It's not real. Just go into it knowing that. Happy Reading!

Unknown said...

Oh heavens, did you really?


If anything could get me to promote book-burning, it's that lovely series.